é um atelier de Arquitectura, Reabilitação,
Design de Interiores e Decoração.
Em cada projecto que assumimos, procuramos transformar o MIOLO
dos espaços num lugar onde cada um se reveja, projecte e encontre a sua
pele de conforto.
Acreditamos num trabalho conjunto e aproximado, onde repensamos
o MIOLO do seu espaço, descobrindo-lhe novas formas de ser,
concedendo-lhe uma nova ambiência.
Juntos combinamos as suas premissas com as nossas ideias, numa
análise sensível das funcionalidades, carências e potencialidades do seu projecto.
Temos um genuíno entusiasmo em procurar os elementos que farão do
seu MIOLO, um espaço personalizado, com carácter próprio,
onde as pessoas são o actor principal.

is a studio for Architecture, Rehabilitation,
Interior Design and Decoration.
In each project we undertake, we transform spaces into places
where each one can find its own identity and projects its own unique
definition of comfort.
We believe in working close together to rethink the interior of your spaces,
discovering new configurations that will provide a new and better ambience. Together
we combine your ideas with our assumptions, a sensitive analysis of the features,
strengths and weaknesses of your project.
We have a genuine enthusiasm in seeking the objects vibration that will create a personali-
zed space with its own character, and where people are main focus.
We approach scales: from the first draft of your project foundations, to the universe of textures, colors, and final details. In our projects, we combine different objects: some that
tell stories, others evoking memories, others that take you to different places, different continents. We combine several epochs in the same space creating a blend where old and modern harmonize, value and complement each other. We believe that the details make
the difference, and therefore the way each space is illuminated is thoroughly planned.
MIOLO enjoys all challenges. Bring us your biggest dream or the low cost remode-
ling of a specific room, where often reusing is the key to achieve a lot with
very little.
For your spaces, we design infinite universes that will help you
create your own.
We are ready! Do you accept this journey?